Monday, August 3, 2009

If you build it, Ken will come

We are returning home through the United States mainly because it is much faster and to catch a glimpse of a few interesting sights of our neighbours to the south.  You may have watched the movie Field of Dreams from 1989 and saw Shoeless Joe Jackson appear from an Iowa cornfield. It's one of Ken's favourite movies and the whole family recently watched it a few months ago. Since, we were very close to the farm and cornfield used for this film, we thought we would drop by and see if any ballplayer ghosts would appear. It's a modest little set-up with the family owners opening up their yard and ball field to visitors for free ... but everyone's welcome to buy something at the souvenir shop. It was an enjoyable bit of Americana.

To cool off after a long day on the highway past hundreds of cornfields (we don't know what they could do with so much corn) we went for a dip in the campground's pool.  Tomorrow it's Mount Rushmore!

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