Monday, July 13, 2009

Alotta Ottawa

We've been in Ottawa since Saturday night and having a terrific time staying with our friends Marc & Dominique and checking out the top spots of our capital city.  As you can see here, we made it to Parliament Hill on Sunday and caught the 'changing of the guard' on the front lawn. Stephen Harper wasn't anywhere to be seen during our tour of the Parliament so he must have taken the day off. There's a lot to see in Ottawa and much of it is in walking distance of Parliament 
Hill so we definitely made up for our lack of exercise driving through northern Ontario.

Here we are in the Senate or 'red chamber' where we met in our youth parliament days.  Yep, that's how it all started.

Since we couldn't locate Harper, Jacqueline and Nicholas found the former Prime Minister from Saskatchewan and are seen here with his statue.  They thought Grandpa from Saskatchewan would appreciate this photo since he is the finest Diefenbaker impersonator in the country. There are quite a number of statues of prime ministers and queens on 'the hill'.

To relax in the evening after a hard day of sightseeing, we engaged in a little 'Guitar Heroe' duel against our hosts!  Lots more to post but that will have to be completed tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. That's quite the hat you've got, Ken. Are you going for the Bob Marley look? :)
