Friday, July 17, 2009

Parlez vous francais?

We’ve had two incredible days in Montreal and Quebec City ! Our entire day (and night) on Wednesday was spent exploring ‘old Montreal’ and taking in the local entertainment.  A person could spend the entire day in the old market square, on Place Jacques Cartier, being entertained by some pretty amazing performers. History oozes from the old stone and brick buildings in this section of the city where restoration efforts have paid off.  Rose wants you to know that the steeple in the background in this photo is the church where Celine Dion was married.


The French soldiers were marching through town because someone said the British were coming.  They looked pretty serious about the matter.  If you’re wondering if their muskets are real, we can tell you they are.  Rose just about jumped high enough to hit her head on a tree branch when they fired them into the air.


We took one of those bus-boat tours of the city.  If you’ve never seen one, they are a bus that drives into the water and floats for the second half of the tour.  Nicholas was the one who decided we had to try that.  Later, Nicholas again decided we needed to drive around in one of these quadricycles.  This was the one time when Jacqueline and Nicholas were allowed to do the driving on our trip.


Yesterday, we made the short journey to Quebec City.  This city began in 1608 and experiencing the old part of this city is like going back in time. Of course, the famous battle between the British and the French here on the Plains of Abraham was a key event in our country’s history.  But things have changed when last night the Plains were the site of a KISS concert … yes, the real KISS band.


Nicholas enjoyed inspecting the many cannons left from the early fortifications. 


And we all agreed the best part was when we finished off our visit with a horse drawn carriage ride through the old city.  It was an evening we won’t forget.




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