Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Movin' Right Along!

We have either been without internet or on the road the last 3 days so we've got lots to report. Our visit to Caron, a town near Moose Jaw with a population of 120,  to visit my sister and family in their very nice new home was wonderful. Jacqueline and Nicholas had a chance to play with their cousin, Spencer.  The next morning we zipped off to Winnipeg, Manitoba. But our pass by Moose Jaw would not be complete without a photo with the famous giant moose!

We made it to Winnipeg and camped completely on our own
for the first time on the trip. So far, we've always been with family at each stop on the way.  Our visit in Winnipeg was short but we managed to check out The Forks which may sound like a restaurant but is actually a rather cool market place.  We also went to the Royal Canadian Mint where all of our coins are stamped. Jacqueline was trying out the new quarter on for size in the photo. 

Nicholas is in the photo lifting a 28 pound bar of solid gold worth $500,000!  (no joke ... the bar is chained and there is an armed guard at the display not in the photo).

And for proof that we really are as far as Ontario, we have included evidence of us at the border. We're camping in Kenora tonight and we all have to admit Kenora and Lake of the Woods country is incredibly beautiful ... simply amazing ... we could almost stay here on the lake for the rest of the summer. But we've got reservations for the ferry to Newfoundland!

1 comment:

  1. May I just say how happy I am that you acknowledged the significance of that most important of Canadian animals, The Moose.
