Sunday, July 5, 2009

Little House on the Prairie

As you can tell from the photo, we were having a great time in Drumheller, AB until we were were almost attacked by that T Rex.  We retreated to Saskatchewan and quickly spotted my (Ken's) parents house on the prairie horizon about one hundred kilometres away.  Some of you think I'm joking.  We've been having a great time here on the flatland with my parents and a enjoying a little R & R.  Mom is still improving and getting stronger after the accident last fall.  

Jacqueline and Nicholas are pictured here getting safety instructions from their Uncle Robert before they ride their new dirt bike out on the family farm (yes, that's a John Deere combine in the background).  Needless to say this surprise from their grandparents was a hit.  

We're off to Moose Jaw tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Millards! It's been fun "travelling" with you on your cross Canada trip. Cole wants to know how the dirt bike riding went. It's nice to see that old T-Rex is still standing tall. Did you go into it's mouth? The weather looks good and you're all still smiling. Continue having a great trip!
