Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Happy Canada Day!

It took us a little longer to get out of the driveway this morning but the good part is that we didn't have any of those "ah - hah" moments an hour later when you realize you've forgotten to pack something. I think we've got everything we need and if not, there will be a Canadian Tire on the way somewhere.  Check out our patriotic t-shirts Rose picked up for our official launch this morning.  Right now, we're in Revelstoke stocking up on gas and stretching our legs before heading through the Rocky Mountains.  



  1. Sounds like you made great progress. I'm looking forward to more pics. Great shirts!

  2. Very impressive progress, Millards! Scruffy says to tell you he misses you. We're thinking of putting him on a diet.

    We are trying to come up with some cross-Canada challenges for you. Here are some ideas so far:
    a) an Ice Cap from a Timmy's in each province
    b) collect a cultural artifact from each province to bring back and share at camping in August
    c) learn the words to "On the Road Again" by Willie Nelson and sing in four part harmony

    - Mon, Luke and the kids

  3. Be sure to take a picture of every "giant" thing you see. I'm sure it's a federal law that says every town under 20,000 people must have the world's biggest something or be the something capital of the world.

