Saturday, July 25, 2009

Life on the rock is beautiful

Friday was an unforgettable day for our whole family here in Newfoundland. We drove out to the community of New Perlican on Trinity Bay so Nicholas could play with his classmate and friend Dawson from Burnaby who is spending the summer at his grandparents' place.  This was truly a remarkable experience twice over because of the chance to witness the beauty of the coastal community and the welcoming hospitality of Dawson's family. Needless to say, Nicholas and Dawson enjoyed the afternoon fishing, riding their bikes, and using the quad to explore.

Dawson's grandparents, Max & Lorraine, with Dawson's mom, Leslie-Ann, welcomed us into their home and treated us to a tour of the town.

We were able to see the harbour and spot icebergs in the distance. Ken was even able to watch whales feeding from on top of the hill. Our afternoon was topped off with a fresh crab feast. Thank you, Max and Lorraine. Next time we'd love to stay longer!

We returned to St. John's for a fantastic visit and dinner out with Simon and Deirdre. We walked around the old streets of downtown and learned about some of the history of the buildings and architecture. Twenty years later, it was great catching up with Simon who we got to know in youth parliament.  Today, we're going to see the Geo Centre and the military tattoo on Signal Hill before catching the ferry back to the mainland.

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to have you guys here. Let's try to do that a lil more frequently than every other decade :)
