Sunday, July 19, 2009

Millards make it to the Maritimes

We made it to the Maritimes on Friday after leaving Quebec passing through Riviere-du-Loup.  Another town we drove past with a sense of humour in Quebec was St. Louis du Ha! Ha!  No kidding ... there it is on the sign.  We made it into New Brunswick and stopped at a cozy campground near Grand Falls.  We received plenty of rain that night so we ended up packing up the next morning while we were still wet.  

We traveled until we made it to Hopewell Cape on the Bay of Fundy.  This area has an incredible tide as you can see by the photo. And in particular, there has been some spectacular erosion over the years ... many years. We were lucky enough to visit the Hopewell Rocks at low tide.

Right after this natural wonder, we drove right onto an engineering wonder - the Confederation Bridge.  It really is a sight to see and it sure makes the journey over to Prince Edward Island short and sweet.  Once on the island, it is deceiving when looking at the map for the next destination.  It seems so far on the map but before you know it, you’re there.  I think we missed our turn-off three times before we finally caught on.


 One of the most beautiful spots on the island is Cavendish National Park with the beach and sand dunes.  You can tell the sand definitely has a red shade to it in the photo even though the salt water has bleached most of the red colour out over the years. The soil that grows the McCain French fries here is so bright red I still do a double-take driving by the fields.

We're going to spend a couple days here on the island to rest up.  We treated ourselves to lobster and scallops tonight and, boy, was that delicious.  We're at the half way point in terms of time in this adventure of ours and we've managed to hit 8 out of 10 provinces so far.  Two more provinces to make it a perfect 10. As for tomorrow, it's onto Charlottetown and Anne of Green Gables - of course!


  1. Hey Millards ~ do you have your cel phone with you? If so, please email me your number before you leave the Island:

    Miranda DOT Duffy AT gmail DOT com


  2. Millards...are you there yet??? You are still smiling, so you must be having a great time; it's hard to believe you've been travelling for 20 days already! We'll see you soon! xoxo the Riddells
